
Rochie Bleumarin cu ce Pantofi se Asorteaza ?

Rochie Bleumarin cu ce Pantofi se Asorteaza ?

Cuprins: 1. De ce sunt la mare căutare rochiile bleumarin? 2. Cum să alegi rochia bleumarin ideală 3. Ce pantofi să alegi pentru o rochie bleumarin 4. Ce culori de...

Rochie Bleumarin cu ce Pantofi se Asorteaza ?

Cuprins: 1. De ce sunt la mare căutare rochiile bleumarin? 2. Cum să alegi rochia bleumarin ideală 3. Ce pantofi să alegi pentru o rochie bleumarin 4. Ce culori de...

Ce este Rayonul? Sau totul despre Viscoza

What is Rayon?

  Ce este Rayonul? Rayonul numit și viscoză se comercializată în unele țări ca mătase de cactus, si este o fibră semi-sintetică, realizată din surse naturale de celuloză regenerată, cum...

What is Rayon?

  Ce este Rayonul? Rayonul numit și viscoză se comercializată în unele țări ca mătase de cactus, si este o fibră semi-sintetică, realizată din surse naturale de celuloză regenerată, cum...

Cumpara, vinde sau schimba rochiile Milla Milla!

Buy, sell or trade Milla Milla preloved dresses!

dear ones, Because sometimes it happens to us to lose weight, or to add a few kilos and a Milla Milla dress no longer suits us, but also to support...

Buy, sell or trade Milla Milla preloved dresses!

dear ones, Because sometimes it happens to us to lose weight, or to add a few kilos and a Milla Milla dress no longer suits us, but also to support...

Tot ce n-ai stiut dar ti-ai dorit sa afli despre in

Everything you didn't know but wanted to know a...

The oldest evidence of human use of flax as a textile material comes from the present-day Republic of Georgia, where wild, spun and dyed flax fibers dating back 30,000 years...

Everything you didn't know but wanted to know a...

The oldest evidence of human use of flax as a textile material comes from the present-day Republic of Georgia, where wild, spun and dyed flax fibers dating back 30,000 years...

Cum sa ne imbracam in functie de forma corpului

How to dress according to body shape

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT THE WAY IN WHICH WE ARE WE DRESSING? The language of clothes or clothing language is a form of non-verbal communication through which people express themselves...

How to dress according to body shape

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT THE WAY IN WHICH WE ARE WE DRESSING? The language of clothes or clothing language is a form of non-verbal communication through which people express themselves...

„Concurs Easter Gift”

"Easter Gift Contest"

OFFICIAL REGULATIONS OF THE PRIZE CAMPAIGN "Easter Gift Contest" 10 - 17 April 2023 SECTION 1. ORGANIZER AND OFFICIAL RULES OF THE CAMPAIGN 1.1 The "Easter Gift Contest" campaign is...

"Easter Gift Contest"

OFFICIAL REGULATIONS OF THE PRIZE CAMPAIGN "Easter Gift Contest" 10 - 17 April 2023 SECTION 1. ORGANIZER AND OFFICIAL RULES OF THE CAMPAIGN 1.1 The "Easter Gift Contest" campaign is...